Spring Garden Preparation: How to Get a Head Start with Supernatural Brand

As the weather warms up and the harshness of winter moves further into the rearview mirror, gardeners everywhere can’t help but get excited about the potential of the spring growing season. But before spring officially arrives, there’s a lot you can do to prepare. Early action can help you get a headstart before the ground thaws, setting you up for early success and a bountiful harvest.

Nursery Pots, Tools and More: Stocking Up on the Essentials

After several months of leaving your gardening shed untouched, now is the time to gather the essentials and prepare your cultivation space. The right tools can make all the difference, ensuring you have everything on hand to plant, weed, prune and harvest. Take stock of what you already have and replenish or upgrade your supplies. For springtime gardening, you may find these essentials helpful:

  • High-Quality Potting Soils
  • Plant Nutrients and Soil Amendments
  • Weed and Pest Control
  • Trowels, Garden Forks and Other Hand Tools
  • Hoses and Watering Cans
  • Garden Stakes and Markers
  • Pruners and Sheers
  • Gloves, Aprons and Knee Pads
  • Nursery Pots and Seed Trays

In addition to getting new growing equipment and tools, ensure the gear you’re using from last season is in good shape. Sharpen blades, use penetrating oil to address corrosion, etc. Consider replacing any growing equipment that’s too far gone to repair, and your arsenal will make those tougher gardening tasks much easier.

Revitalizing Soil with Plant Nutrients

Freezing temperatures during the winter can take a toll on the soil in your garden. In addition to compaction issues, soil may lose nutrients and undergo major pH balance changes. Fortunately, you can rejuvenate the soil to create a growing environment that helps your plants flourish.

Use tools to rework the soil, loosening the medium to address any compaction that would make it impossible for roots to spread. Next, conduct soil tests to understand the pH balance and nutrient makeup better. There’s a good chance your soil will need amending. All-natural compost and liquid or powdered plant nutrients go a long way. Products like Ultimate Thrive or Super Boost can promote rooting and maintain a root environment.

Another option is to invest in new premium potting soils. Pay Dirt from Supernatural Brand offers pH monitoring, great moisture retention and efficient drainage.

Sprouting Seeds Indoors with Grow Kits

Depending on your location, the last frost date can be as late as May. Luckily, you don’t have to wait until then to kickstart the growing season. Starting seeds indoors gives you several weeks or months of controlled growth. Starting your garden indoors can lead to better plant health later and an earlier harvest. Here are some things you might need:.

  • Potting Soils
  • Nursery Pots or Seed Trays
  • Grow Kits
  • Indoor Plant Lighting
  • Heating Pad
  • Misters
  • Plant labels

High-quality grow kits can lead to early garden success. The Turbo Grow Kit uses an electric air blower to feed young plants, eliminating many indoor gardening challenges, like overwatering and flooding. You can use grow kits to start seeds as early as February to produce young plants that are ready for transplantation come spring.

Don’t wait to prepare for spring gardening. There’s much to do to get yourself and your cultivation space ready. Be proactive about what you need, handle the logistics to set yourself up for success and start sprouting seeds indoors. With good preparation, you can hit the ground running once spring arrives.

Visit Supernatural Brand today for all the growing equipment and gardening products you need to have your best growing season yet!

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