Seasonal Gardening Myths Debunked: What You Really Need to Know for Each Season

A good amount of information about seasonal gardening exists on the web. Much of it comes from outdated knowledge passed down from previous generations. Many of those misconceptions are a byproduct of the limited growing capabilities of days gone by. However, learning how to grow plants is easier than ever before, and the limitations of changing seasons are no longer a barrier to a successful harvest! In this blog, we’re debunking common seasonal gardening myths and exploring how innovative products can help you experience success year-round.

Springtime Gardening: Using Supernatural Nutrients to Create an Optimal Growing Environment

Fertilization myths are plentiful. While it’s true that supplying nutrients when plants go out of dormancy in early spring is beneficial, you don’t have to stop there. Sticking to one-time fertilization at the start of the growing season may prevent your plants from reaching their full potential.

The growing cycle has many stages, and strategically supplying nutrients can give your garden all the food it needs to thrive. Supernatural nutrients like Ultimate Thrive can help maintain the root environment and encourage seed germination. Meanwhile, Gro Terra helps supply nutrients during the vegetative stage. Supernatural Bud Blaster boosts plants during flowering, and Green Stay can revive struggling plants. Using different nutrients throughout spring is your ticket to garden health and abundant harvests.

Summer Gardening: How to Grow Plants in Intense Heat

There are two prominent myths for summer gardening: Drought-tolerant plants don’t need much water, and non-drought-tolerant plants require tons of hydration. Both misconceptions can lead to disaster.

The truth is that drought-tolerant plants still water if the soil around them is dry. Soil should remain moist but not soggy, especially if your plants are young. That means you must water your hardy plants more frequently than you think. For everything else, be mindful of individual hydration needs. Overwatering is a big problem during the summer. Understand your plants’ needs, hydrozone varieties to make things easier and always check soil moisture levels before watering to avoid drowning your plants.

Autumn Gardening: How to Grow Plants Amidst Shortening Days

Contrary to popular belief, autumn isn’t a “dead season.” It’s a busy time for gardeners in Canada, particularly with trees and perennials. Despite the color changes and appearance of dormancy, you don’t have to wait until spring to plant new trees. 

Planting in autumn allows plants to focus their energy on the root system over the foliage. As a result, trees often establish better during this season. Provide high-quality Supernatural nutrients; autumn gardening can lead to great productivity next year.

Winter Gardening: Utilizing Indoor Growing Systems

Canada has tough winters, but technology and innovation ensure you can continue gardening! Indoor growing systems allow plants to thrive in the warmth and shelter of your home. Many gardeners move plants indoors to extend growing cycles and avoid complete dormancy.

It’s also a great way to try cool-weather crops that otherwise wouldn’t prosper outdoors. Growing equipment from Supernatural Brand makes starting a winter garden a cinch. The Turbo Grow System creates an optimal root environment for fast growth, and hydroponics Supernatural nutrients like Gro Aqua and Bloom Aqua make feeding plants in a hydroponics setup a breeze.

It’s possible to garden throughout the year in Canada, but you must take extra measures to ensure prosperity in changing seasons. The right tools, products and techniques will allow you to flex your green thumb all year.

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